Outliers and anomalies#

  • The terms outliers and anomalies can sometimes be synonymous, but have different origins in data analysis.

  • An outlier in statistics is typically defined with respect to some known (or assumed) distribution and its statistics.

    • An outlier in a dataset does not have the same properties as the majority of observations or is more extreme in some sense.

    • An outlier in a model is either extreme in the data distribution or its predictions deviate more from the truth than the typical observation does.

  • An anomaly in machine learning is typically an observation that deviates from the the majority of observations or from the samples in its local neighbourhood.

    • There are fewer assumptions about distributions in machine learning than statistics.

Outliers for 1D data#

  • A simple representation of data is the box (and whiskers) plot.

  • A common choice is to stop the whiskers at 1.5 IQR, where IQR = 75th percentile - 25th percentile.

# Random data
import numpy as np
data = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)

# A boxplot of the data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Boxplot properties#

… assuming normal distributed data.

# Plot the normal probability curve from -4 to 4 with mean 0 and standard deviation 1
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-4, 4, 100)
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, 0, 1)
plt.plot(x, y, color='black')
plt.xlabel('Standard deviations')
plt.ylabel('Probability density')
plt.title('Standard normal probability curve')
# Add lines for the quartiles and whiskers
plt.axvline(stats.norm.isf(1-0.75), label="Quartiles")
plt.axvline(stats.norm.isf(1-0.25) - (stats.norm.isf(1-0.75)-stats.norm.isf(1-0.25))*1.5, color='red')
plt.axvline(stats.norm.isf(1-0.75) + (stats.norm.isf(1-0.75)-stats.norm.isf(1-0.25))*1.5, color='red', label="+/- 1.5 IQR")
# Print the value of the upeer whisker
upper = stats.norm.isf(1-0.75) + (stats.norm.isf(1-0.75)-stats.norm.isf(1-0.25))*1.5
print("Upper whisker: {:.3f} standard deviations".format(upper))
print("Probability of being outside whiskers: {:.3f}%".format(stats.norm.cdf(upper)*2))
Upper whisker: 2.698 standard deviations
Probability of being outside whiskers: 1.993%

Outliers in models#

  • An outlier in the input data, X, will influence some models more than a central point would do.

    • In regression (Ordinary Least Squares), these are called high leverage points.
      OLS for \(\tilde{X} = [1 ~ X]\):
      \(\tilde{X}\beta = \tilde{X} (\tilde{X}'\tilde{X})^{-1} \tilde{X}' Y\)
      Leverage \(h_{ii}\) from the diagonal of \(H = \tilde{X} (\tilde{X}'\tilde{X})^{-1} \tilde{X}'\).

  • An outlier in the response, y, can be caused by a model of wrong complexity.

    • Too complex: Overfitting, bad generalisation.

    • Too simple: Does not fit well enough to describe important variation.

Handling outliers/anomalies#

  • An outier can be the caused by errors in measurements, faulty registration or random variation.

    • Or it can be deviating because of unexplained, but important, phenomena.

  • Depending on the case at hand, there are several options for handling outliers:

    • Remove the outlying measurement - results in missing data.

    • Impute the values of the outlier, i.e., replace it by something inlying, e.g., average over nearest neighbours (pre-processing section).

    • Use a smoothed value according to the local trend (Noise reduction).

    • For visualisation, present a smoothed signal, but show the underlying variation as a shadow or error region (shown below).

    • Sound an alarm, e.g., a warning sign, alerting an operator to potential problems (dashboard section).

# Random signal
N = 301
rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
y = rng.standard_normal(N).cumsum()

# Remove frequencies above 40, i.e., a low-pass filter.
from scipy.fft import dct, idct
W = np.arange(0, N) # Frequency axis
filtered_fourier_signal = dct(y)
x = filtered_fourier_signal.copy()
filtered_fourier_signal[(W > 40)] = 0
cut_signal = idct(filtered_fourier_signal)

# Plot the curve
plt.plot(y, label='Original signal', color='gray')
plt.plot(cut_signal, label='Filtered signal', color='red')
plt.xlabel('arbitrary units')
