API Tokens#

  • Some services require the negotiation of an access token for each session when accessing an API.

  • This process typically consists of

    • a first call to the API with a user ID and passphrase/secret/password,

    • retreiving a token,

    • using the token in subsequent queries to the API.


  • The following is an example based on BartensWatch’s API.

  • client_id is the combination of an email address and a client name (see BarentsWatch API tutorial).

  • client_secret is a password connected to the client name.

# This file contains both the client_id and client_secret for the BarentsWatch API.
BW = open('../../../No_sync/BarentsWatch','r').read()
client_id = BW.split('\n')[0]
client_secret = BW.split('\n')[1]
config = {
    'client_id': client_id,
    'client_secret': client_secret,
    'token_url': 'https://id.barentswatch.no/connect/token',
    'api_base_url': 'https://www.barentswatch.no/bwapi'

Convenience functions#

  • We create two functions for easily requesting a token and data from the API (see API_Tokens.py).

  • These are based on the GitHub repository of BarentsWatch

import API_Tokens as AT
token = AT.get_token(config)
Token request successful

Requesting data#

  • Now that the token is in place, we can request data for 3600 seconds before needing a new one.

data_2023_1 = AT.get_request('/v1/geodata/fishhealth/locality/2023/1', token, config)
data_2023_2 = AT.get_request('/v1/geodata/fishhealth/locality/2023/2', token, config)
# Structure of the data
# Extract hasSalmonoids for all localities (at one timepoint)
hasSalmonoids = []
for i in range(len(data_2023_1['localities'])):

# Make a pie chart of the data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.pie([hasSalmonoids.count(False), hasSalmonoids.count(True)], labels = ['No salmonoids', 'Salmonoids'])