Outlier statistics#

  • Determining if a sample or timepoint is a statistical outlier is often a two-step process:

    1. Estimate a distribution assumed to be normal operating conditions.

    2. Check if new samples are significant outliers from this distribution.

  • (Multivariate) Statistical Process Control, part of \(6\sigma\) process improvement, has a wide range of methods for this.

Statistical Process Control - SPC#

  • The simplest form handles a single variable.

  • A normal distribution is assumed, but some deviation is tolerated.

  • It also assumes a constant/stationary process and no shifts/trends in distributions.

  • Any value outside +/- 3 standard deviations (SD) of the mean is assumed to be an outlier.

# Plot the normal probability curve from -4 to 4 with mean 0 and standard deviation 1
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x = np.linspace(-4, 4, 100)
y = stats.norm.pdf(x, 0, 1)
plt.plot(x, y, color='black')
plt.xlabel('Standard deviations')
plt.ylabel('Probability density')
plt.title('Standard normal probability curve')
# Shade the area under the curve to the left of -3 and right of 3
px = np.linspace(-4, -3, 100)
py = stats.norm.pdf(px, 0, 1)
plt.fill_between(px, py, color='red')
px = np.linspace(3, 4, 100)
py = stats.norm.pdf(px, 0, 1)
plt.fill_between(px, py, color='red')
# Calculate the probability of being outside +/- 3 SD in a normal distribution, i.e. P(|X| > 3).
# Format the result as a percentage rounded to two decimal places.
import scipy.stats as stats
prob = stats.norm.cdf(-3)*2
print('Probability of being outside +/- 3 SD in a normal distribution: {:.2%}'.format(prob))
# Rewrite this as the proportion of values, i.e., 1 in n, that are outside +/- 3 SD in a normal distribution.
print('Proportion of values that are outside +/- 3 SD in a normal distribution: 1 in {:.0f}'.format(1/prob))
Probability of being outside +/- 3 SD in a normal distribution: 0.27%
Proportion of values that are outside +/- 3 SD in a normal distribution: 1 in 370

Control charts#

  • A common way of assessing outliers is to plot the series together with lower and upper boundaries.

# Plot random normal data with 1000 values with a seed of 1
import numpy as np
data = np.random.normal(0, 1, 1000)
plt.plot(data, 'o')
plt.ylim(-4.5, 4.5)
plt.xlim(0, 1000)
plt.axhline(0, color='black', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(3, color='red')
plt.axhline(-3, color='red')
plt.ylabel('Standard deviations')
# Plot all samples that are outside +/- 3 SD in a normal distribution in red
outliers = data[np.abs(data) > 3]
plt.plot(np.where(np.abs(data) > 3)[0], outliers, 'o', color='red')


  • Histograms show you a cummulative view over a set of observations.

  • If the observed distribution is very different from a bell curve (normal distribution), the +/-3 SD will not have the expected coverage.

    • Associated P-values will be wrong.

# Plot the same data as a histogram
plt.hist(data, bins=50)
plt.xlabel('Standard deviations')
plt.title('Histogram of random normal data')
plt.axvline(3, color='red')
plt.axvline(-3, color='red')
# Calculate the probability of observing a value more extreme 
# than the maximum absolute value in the data set at random

Quantile plots#

  • A quantile plot plots expected quantiles of a distributon against observed quantiles from data.

  • The basic distribution is the normal probability distribution.

# A quantile plot can also help to identify outliers and deviations from normality
stats.probplot(data, dist='norm', plot=plt)

Robust statistics#

  • Instead of mean and standard deviation, one can use more robust calculations.

  • Trimmed mean means first removing a proportion, e.g., 5% of the most extreme observations before calculating the mean.

    • Robust against outliers.

  • Median absolute deviation is the median of the absolute deviations from the median value.

    • Robust against non-normality.

\[MAD = median(|X_i - \tilde{X}|), ~~~ \tilde{X} = median(X)\]
  • Relation to standard deviation: \(\hat{\sigma} = k \cdot MAD\).

  • For normal data \(k \approx 1.4826\), see Wikipedia.

# Trimmed mean
m1 = np.mean(data)
m2 = stats.trim_mean(data, 0.05)
print('Mean: {:.3f}'.format(m1))
print('Trimmed mean: {:.3f}'.format(m2))
Mean: 0.039
Trimmed mean: 0.046
# Median absolute deviation
s1 = np.std(data)
s2 = stats.median_abs_deviation(data)
print('Standard deviation: {:.3f}'.format(s1))
print('Median absolute deviation: {:.3f}'.format(s2))
Standard deviation: 0.981
Median absolute deviation: 0.647
# SD vs MAD
print('Adjusted MAD: {:.3f}'.format(s2 * 1.4826))
Adjusted MAD: 0.959


  • As seen above, to be flagged in the base case will happen by accident 1 in 370 cases.

  • The probability quickly shrinks if additional requirements are added, e.g., 3 cases in a row outside +/- 3 std.

    • With multiple consecutive outliers, one can also use fewer standard deviations.

  • If data are assumed to be iid (independent and identically distributed), another heuristic can be to check if concecutive samples are too similar (and possibly non-centred).

    • This can indicate a bias in the series, e.g., caused by a manufacturing step caught in an error condition.

  • A shift in mean value can also be indicative of errors or unwanted changes; checkable using rolling means or similar with an appropriate window size.

    • A whole field of SPC uses Exponentially Weighted Moving Averages to detect outliers and shifts in distributions.

# Assuming independent samples, calculate the probability of observing
# three values in a row above 2 SD in a normal distribution.
prob3 = (1-stats.norm.cdf(2))**3
print('Probability: {:.4%}'.format(prob3))
print('Proportion: 1 in {:.0f}'.format(1/prob3))
Probability: 0.0012%
Proportion: 1 in 84927
# Create a function that checks if n consecutive samples are above k SD or below k SD
def check_consecutive(data, k, n, mu, SD):
    index = []
    dataUp = (data-mu) > k*SD
    dataDown = (data-mu) < -k*SD
    for i in range(len(data)-n+1):
        if np.all(dataUp[i:i+n]) or np.all(dataDown[i:i+n]):
    return index
# Apply hueristic function and plot
k = 2
n = 2
mu = 0
SD = 1
index = check_consecutive(data, k, n, mu, SD)

plt.plot(data, 'o')
plt.ylim(-4.5, 4.5)
plt.xlim(0, 1000)
plt.axhline(0, color='black', linestyle='--')
plt.axhline(k*SD, color='red')
plt.axhline(-k*SD, color='red')
plt.ylabel('Standard deviations')
# Plot all samples that are caught by the heuristic function
for i in index:
    plt.plot(range(i,i+n), data[range(i,i+n)], 'o', color='yellow')


  • Import the data called bananas.csv.

  • Assume the first 500 samples are “in control” and calculate their mean and standard deviation.

  • Plot the whole series and indicate outliers using SPC and heuristics.

Multivariate series#

  • Though each variable can be handled separately with SPC, it is often more interesting to assess the combined effect.

  • Smaller deviations in single variables may be detected if these occur in relation to other variables and their variation.

  • Instead of the normal distribution, we use Mahalanobis distance and the associated Hotelling’s \(T^2\), a multivariate generalisation of the student t-distribution. \(t^2\) is defined as:

\[t^2 = (\bar{x}-\mu) \hat{\Sigma}_{\bar{x}}^{-1} (\bar{x}-\mu)^T\]
  • In practice we estimate \(\bar{x}\) and \(\hat{\Sigma}_{\bar{x}}\) from “in control” data and look at single observations for \(\mu\).

\[\frac{n-p}{p(n-1)}t^2 \sim F_{p,n-p}\]

where \(n\) is the number of samples in the training data and \(p\) is the number of variables.

# Read the Beijing pollution data
import pandas as pd
pollution = pd.read_csv("../../data/pollution.csv", header=0, index_col=0)
# Extract the first 2000 samples of DEWP, TEMP and PRES
pdata = pollution[['DEWP', 'TEMP', 'PRES']].iloc[:2000]

# Plot the three variables as separate subplots above each other
plt.plot(pdata['DEWP'], '-')
plt.plot(pdata['TEMP'], '-')
plt.plot(pdata['PRES'], '-')

We use the first three years as the “in control” region and estimate mean and covariance from it.

# Calculate the mean vector and covariance matrix of the three variables for the first 3 years
import numpy as np
mean = np.mean(pdata.values[:365*3,:], axis=0)
cov = np.cov(pdata.values[:365*3,:], rowvar=False)
[ -16.62009132   -5.42648402 1028.2803653 ]
[[ 33.50636014   8.27369045 -16.68247894]
 [  8.27369045  27.0510347  -12.9269373 ]
 [-16.68247894 -12.9269373   32.5255282 ]]
# Calculate the Hotelling's T^2 statistic for each observation given mu and cov
def Hotellings_T2(X, mean, cov, n, alpha = 0.01):
    T2 = np.sum(((X-mean) @ np.linalg.inv(cov)) * (X-mean), axis=-1)
    p = len(mean)
    F = (n-p)/(p*(n-1))*T2
    P = stats.f.sf(F, p, n-p)
    # Critical value
    c = stats.f.isf(alpha, p, n-p)*p*(n-1)/(n-p)
    return (T2, F, P, c)
# Apply Hotellings_T2 and plot
alpha = 0.0027
T2, F, P, c = Hotellings_T2(pdata.values, mean, cov, 365*3, alpha)
plt.axhline(c, color="red")
plt.axvline(365*3, color="orange")
# Plot P on a logarithmic scale
plt.axhline(alpha, color="red")
plt.axvline(365*3, color="orange")

Finally, we observe which observations are marked as outlying in the original series.

# Plot the three variables as separate subplots above each other, marking the outlying regions in red
x = np.arange(2000)+0.0
x[P>alpha] = np.nan

plt.plot(pdata['DEWP'], '-')
plt.plot(x, pdata['DEWP'], '-', color='red')
plt.plot(pdata['TEMP'], '-')
plt.plot(x, pdata['TEMP'], '-', color='red')
plt.plot(pdata['PRES'], '-')
plt.plot(x, pdata['PRES'], '-', color='red')

Robust multivariate statistics#

  • Also multivariate data can need robust statistics because of non-normality or outliers.

  • One method for robust estimation of mean and standard deviation is called Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD).

  • MCD uses a subset of samples that minimises the determinant of the covariance matrix.

  • An iterative method that searches for the MCD is implemented in scikit-learn’s MinCovDet.

# Import Minimum Covariance Determinant estimator from scikit-learn
from sklearn.covariance import MinCovDet
# Apply the Minimum Covariance Determinant estimator to data.values[:365*3,:] and plot
some_data = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov, 10)
mcd = MinCovDet(random_state=1).fit(some_data)
mcd_mean = mcd.location_
mcd_cov = mcd.covariance_
mcd2 = MinCovDet(random_state=3).fit(pdata.values)
mcd2_mean = mcd2.location_
mcd2_cov = mcd2.covariance_
[ -14.55375772   -4.724472   1025.94736149]
[[ 39.64596546  20.13217441  -9.68173235]
 [ 20.13217441  41.3917114  -29.70739281]
 [ -9.68173235 -29.70739281  23.35856108]]
[ -13.55580996   -2.4304522  1026.00515169]
[[ 47.08832772  15.78879846 -30.79851042]
 [ 15.78879846  30.62753288 -23.03040981]
 [-30.79851042 -23.03040981  45.80134724]]
[ -16.62009132   -5.42648402 1028.2803653 ]
[[ 33.50636014   8.27369045 -16.68247894]
 [  8.27369045  27.0510347  -12.9269373 ]
 [-16.68247894 -12.9269373   32.5255282 ]]


  • Repeat the calculations of mean, covariance, Hotelling’s \(T^2\), etc. for the Beijing pollution data.

  • Exchange ordinary statistics with the MCD alternative.

Time resolution#

  • The (M)SPC examples have assumed a constant mean and standard deviation.

  • It may also be interesting to look at det deviation from smoothed data to look for local outliers.

    • This corresponds to a high-pass filter for FFT.

  • In the rich field of (M)SPC there are also other methods tailored for finding shifts in trends.

from scipy.fft import dct, idct
fourier_signal = dct(pdata["TEMP"].values)

# Plot the Fourier transform
plt.ylabel('Fourier Transform')
# Filter the Fourier transform by setting all frequencies below a threshold to zero
W = np.arange(0, 2000) # Frequency axis
filtered_fourier_signal = fourier_signal.copy()
filtered_fourier_signal[(W<30)] = 0
cut_signal = idct(filtered_fourier_signal)

# Plot the filtered signal
plt.plot(pdata["TEMP"].values - cut_signal)
plt.ylabel('Signal and trend')
plt.ylabel('Local variation')
