Streaming data#
Data that can be loaded chunk-wise (single or a few at the time).
Data flowing through a socket/pipe/streaming API/…
Typically requires:
Checking if stream is active.
A reactive reading mechanism or time delayed loop to check for updates.
Error/exception checking/handling.
A receiving enitity that can use the incomming data, e.g., printing to screen, updating graphics, updating a model, predicting some outcome/state/quantity, …
Live reading of Twitch chat#
Requires a free account on Twitch and obtaining an oauth autentication token.
We will use River’s TwitchChatStream to handle the live streamed data.
# Check if user is logged in ("==" active chat)
import requests
user = "k3soju" # Change this to the user you want to check, e.g., epicdan22, zackrawrr, summit1g,
# mizkif, cohhcarnage, k3soju, etc.
response = requests.get(""+user).text
is_online = response != user+" is offline"
# Connect to the Twitch chat using River
from river import stream
if is_online:
oauth = open('../../../No_sync/twitch_oauth','r').read()
twitch_chat = stream.TwitchChatStream(
nickname="khliland", # Exchange with your Twitch username
# If the user is online, print the first 2 messages
if is_online:
messages = 10
for item in twitch_chat:
if messages > 1:
messages -= 1
print("Puh, that's enough!")
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 5, 61215), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'mazedmarky_ow', 'msg': 'FBtouchdown'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 5, 610087), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'backporch2', 'msg': 'ambessa emisary with 0 wins LUL'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 5, 985404), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'oceanicmission', 'msg': 'why did my Twitch3/6 Bruiser+BruiserMundo just lose to Conq. Gangplank?? wtf is GP'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 6, 625846), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'jzhutft', 'msg': 'he gave permission HandsUp'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 8, 703861), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'xkimchiho', 'msg': 'bottom right bud'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 8, 882244), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'unfollow_fear', 'msg': 'NOW CHAT WILL START SAYING WHY GS BT DIFF'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 10, 41687), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'cl0uddem0n', 'msg': '@easyyou2 legit cant play the game without titans what are you on about'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 11, 175211), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'sukmedrysenpai', 'msg': 'stares at his TFT board, scratching his head. "Where’s my smeech?" he mutters, frantically dragging units around. Suddenly, someone in the lobby chimes in: "Bro, you look like a smeech. "Soju freezes. "Wait..." He looks at his reflection in the screen and sees it—round face, slightly derpy smile. He doesn\'t just need the smeech; he is the smeech. Without hesitation, he drags himself onto the board. "I AM the carry now," he declares. The board glows with newfound synergy. xdd'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 11, 556465), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'chonkerchris', 'msg': 'stares at his TFT board, scratching his head. "Where’s my smeech?" he mutters, frantically dragging units around. Suddenly, someone in the lobby chimes in: "Bro, you look like a smeech. "Soju freezes. "Wait..." He looks at his reflection in the screen and sees it—round face, slightly derpy smile. He doesn\'t just need the smeech; he is the smeech. Without hesitation, he drags himself onto the board. "I AM the carry now," he declares. The board glows with newfound synergy. xdd'}
{'dt': datetime.datetime(2024, 12, 4, 21, 21, 14, 73612), 'channel': 'k3soju', 'username': 'adileles', 'msg': 'FBtouchdown FBtouchdown FBtouchdown'}
Puh, that's enough!
Make a clock using World Time API
Pull the current time from _ every second using requests.get().
Print only the hours:minutes:seconds.decimals
Print an error message if this fails.
Stop after 10 seconds
Here, River has formated everything nicely for us as dictionaries.
River’s streaming format is based on dictionaries to minimize overhead.
See escpecially the datetime formatting.
We will return to River and streaming Machine Learning later in the book.