
  • Reports and dashboards are overlapping tools/endpoints which share many elements.

  • Which to make and what to call your end product is dependent on the project and organisation.

Dashboards vs Reports#

  • Dashboards are often updated live

    • Mostly graphs, plots, etc.

    • Key performance indicators (KPIs)

    • Current trends, accumulation in minutes, hours, days, weeks, …

  • Reports can be:

    • Summaries of activities, economy, etc. up to a point

    • Investigations into a subject

    • Suggestive of future path or action

    • Often printable, but digital reports can contain interactive graphics (ChatGPT)


  • In many projects, e.g., those based on Data-Driven Desision Making, transparency, traceability and reproducibility are important.

  • Ideally, this means being able to recreate report contents at any time.

    • Markdown, Jupyter Notebooks, RMarkdown and similar frameworks are popular open alternatives for such reports.

    • Power BI Report Builder is the Power BI equivalent with options similar to Power BI Desktop, but optimised for paginated output, e.g., PDF without interactivity.

    • Redo datahandling, calculations and visualisations at the time of rendering/compilation.

    • Underlying data must be available, possibly using a local copy.

      • Copy-pasting from various sources is a no-go.

  • Version control can be used to trace any changes to data, code or text.

    • Even though the project may continue and the report evolve, a snapshot from a certain timepoint is always available.


  • “A picture is worth a thousand words” is an old cliche, but still valid.

  • Eye catching, yet informative graphics with descriptive captions can carry most of the message in anything from a glossy paper brochure to a research article.

    • In a report, text is inevitable as context, background, interpretations and conclusions are hard to convert to graphics that are universally understandable.

  • A digital report can retain some interactivity, e.g., Plotly interactions.

    • With some effort, also more advanced interactivity can be included, e.g., in an .html formatted report or an online report in services like Power BI.

    • Interactivity can engage the reader more, partially by just being more fun, but also because it feels more tangible and personal.


  • Numbers can be communicated in various ways depending on the type and function.

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are single figures that show some important summary, e.g., gross income, increase in sales since last period, a competitive index, etc.

    • These are typically highlighted in a report possibly grouped together and placed visibly.
  • Tables can be needed for increased precision or as background material for graphs.

    • Formatting can highlight what we want the reader to focus on.

    • Pivoting, grouping and summarising can give a much easier interpretation than large tables.


  • Do not overestimate your readers!

    • Simple graphics and simple messages are most likely to have an impact in most situations.

    • The higher up in an organisation a report is aimed at, the less time one can expect will be used at interpretation (boldly speaking). (ChatGPT)

  • Background knowledge and technical expertise is likely to be different from your own.

    • Footnotes, linkes to sources etc. are useful if technical terms must be used.

  • Consider cultural background and language fluency when writing.

    • Relatively short sentences.

    • Avoid using:

      • artifical or fancy words, e.g., foreign words to appear interesting

      • slang that can be misunderstood or not understood

  • Consider carefully the use of buzzwords, e.g., “synergy”, “big data”, “data science”, “prompting”, as overuse makes text sound clichéd.

    • This is especially important if the report is supposed to be used for many years as terms become obsolite quickly, especially in the tech business.


  • The perfect theme for a report does not exist and is a moving target.

  • Looking back a couple of decades, sharp division using lines and strong background colours were popular.

  • Organisation and grouping using alignment, white space and soft colours is more typical as of 2024.

  • “Air”, i.e., open surface around elements, is less stressful than an over-crowded page.

  • Use paragraphs to group sub-themes in the text and keep them short.


  • The above mentioned tools are just examples. The possiblities are virtually endless.

  • A surprising amount of business reports are made as presentations, e.g., PowerPoints, or PDF exports of presentations, thus violating or stretching the reproducibility principles.

  • Spreadsheets, e.g., Excel, and text documents, e.g., Word, are also popular.

  • If the topic and demands are simple, do not overengineer the solution.

AI usage#

  • Automised report generation is possible in some frameworks.

    • Reproducibility might not be conserved.

    • AIs will hallusinate about topics they do not know well.

    • Fine-grained control might be reduced/lost.

    • But the tools are getting better every day.

    • is an example of a an AI that combines a chat with full data analysis capabilities, plotting, problem solving and report generation.

  • A compromise, using AI in the process, can:

    • increase reporting efficiency,

    • retian reproducibility and fine-grained control,

    • keep hallusinations in check.