

  • When merging time-dependent data from different sources, matching them well is important, but also comes with some choices.

  • If time series are to be used in Machine Learning, exact synchronisation is usually needed, i.e., equal timestamps on each variable.

  • For plotting purposes different time resolution, e.g., weeks vs months, may not be a problem as long as the different cycles match up.

# Create a time series with a frequency of 1 hour and a length 72*24 hours
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

rng = np.random.default_rng(1979)
stock = rng.standard_normal(72).cumsum() + 2
days = pd.date_range('2021-01-01', periods=72, freq='D')

rng2 = np.random.default_rng(1000)
electricity = rng2.standard_normal(72*24).cumsum()+30
hours = pd.date_range('2021-01-01', periods=72*24, freq='h')
# Plot the two series in the same plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 2))
ax.plot(days, stock, label='stock')
ax.plot(hours, electricity, label='electricity')


  • If a higher resolution time series is to be synchronized with a lower resolution series, some type of accumulation needs to be done.

  • Things to keep in mind:

    • Which type of accumulation should be done, e.g., sum for count data, mean for intensity data?

    • Should we use simple statistics, robust statistics or smoothed series data?

    • Are the low resolution recordings a series of snapshots (a) or an accumulation between (before (b)/after (d)) or around © timepoints (see illustration)?

      • This coresponds to the different uses of filters in the Noise reduction section.

      • … which also means that it is possible to echange simple averages with other smoothers.
# Turn the hourly series into a daily series by taking the mean of each day
daily2 = electricity.reshape(72, 24).mean(axis=1)
array([30.97322385, 34.35672352, 39.15225169, 42.54404014, 36.29402279])

Question: Is the mean calculation above an accumulation of type a, b, c or d (as compared to the illustration)?

# Make a dataframe of days and daily
df_days = pd.DataFrame({'days': days, 'stock': stock})
# .. and hours and hourly
df_hours = pd.DataFrame({'hours': hours, 'electricity': electricity})
hours electricity
0 2021-01-01 00:00:00 29.678670
1 2021-01-01 01:00:00 29.193008
2 2021-01-01 02:00:00 30.873066
3 2021-01-01 03:00:00 32.843593
4 2021-01-01 04:00:00 32.998777
# Group the hourly series by day and take the mean of each day
daily3 = df_hours.electricity.groupby( = 'electricity' # <- Will be column name in dataframe

# Change name of index to days = 'days'

# Convert index to datetime
daily3.index = pd.to_datetime(daily3.index) # <- Important for matching with other datetimes!
2021-01-01    30.973224
2021-01-02    34.356724
2021-01-03    39.152252
2021-01-04    42.544040
2021-01-05    36.294023
Name: electricity, dtype: float64
# Concatenate the daily series and the daily3 series
daily4 = pd.concat([pd.DataFrame({"stock":stock}, index=days), daily3], axis=1)
stock electricity
2021-01-01 1.954335 30.973224
2021-01-02 1.844837 34.356724
2021-01-03 0.304523 39.152252
2021-01-04 0.812667 42.544040
2021-01-05 1.796910 36.294023
... ... ...
2021-03-09 3.365346 26.623594
2021-03-10 3.576303 28.499956
2021-03-11 5.343604 27.881922
2021-03-12 4.259951 27.112489
2021-03-13 2.732599 25.321470

72 rows × 2 columns

# Plot the two time series in daily4 using Pandas plot


  • Timepoints may not match as easily as with days and hours above.

  • If one series is shifted slightly, the series are irregular in timesteps or have non-intuitive intervals, interpolation is an alternative.

  • When interpolating an irregular sequence in Pandas, one may need to resample to a higher frequency, fill the missing values and resample to the final frequency (see example below).

# Create a time series with irregular frequency
irr_dates = pd.date_range('2000-01-01 00:00', periods=365, freq='D') # <- Higher accuracy applied here to enable sampling

# Sample 50 random dates from irr_dates
m = np.arange(0,365,1)
irr_dates = irr_dates[np.sort(m[:50])].sort_values()

# Create a series with random values and the sampled dates as index
irr_series = pd.DataFrame({'values': rng.standard_normal(50)}, index=irr_dates)
2000-01-04  0.490463
2000-01-07  1.274086
2000-01-08 -0.485563
2000-01-19  0.886186
2000-01-21 -0.331479
2000-01-28 -0.039743
2000-01-30  0.477419
2000-02-19  0.814175
2000-02-26 -0.835243
2000-03-09 -1.014372
2000-03-22  0.125960
2000-04-07 -0.459632
2000-04-12  0.412295
2000-04-17  0.722275
2000-04-24  0.476232
2000-05-13  0.772985
2000-05-17 -0.650375
2000-05-22 -1.162162
2000-05-30 -0.086559
2000-06-03  0.286860
2000-06-21  0.059377
2000-06-22 -0.928979
2000-06-27 -1.953670
2000-07-03  0.294007
2000-07-14 -1.251394
2000-07-17 -1.134486
2000-07-24  1.254263
2000-07-26  1.509980
2000-07-29 -0.198877
2000-08-04 -0.532344
2000-08-07 -0.045698
2000-08-26 -0.090330
2000-09-03  2.802757
2000-09-07 -3.711439
2000-09-08  0.041011
2000-09-09 -0.014421
2000-09-12 -1.781971
2000-09-16  0.336200
2000-09-28 -0.027597
2000-10-06  0.013211
2000-10-12  2.575837
2000-10-13 -1.140271
2000-10-23 -1.149615
2000-10-28  1.270556
2000-10-29  0.021922
2000-11-11  0.701834
2000-11-20  0.209048
2000-11-23 -0.972874
2000-11-30 -0.407151
2000-12-28 -0.473028
# Interpolate the series to weekly frequency without intermediate resampling
weekly = irr_series.resample('W').interpolate("linear")
2000-01-09 NaN
2000-01-16 NaN
2000-01-23 NaN
2000-01-30 0.477419
2000-02-06 0.552430
# Plot the two series
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 2))
ax.plot(irr_series, label='irregular')
ax.plot(weekly, 'o', label='weekly')
# Interpolate the series to weekly frequency after resampling to daily frequency
daily_x = irr_series.resample('D').interpolate("linear")
weekly = irr_series.resample('D').interpolate("linear").resample('W').interpolate("linear")
2000-01-09 -0.360859
2000-01-16 0.512072
2000-01-23 -0.248126
2000-01-30 0.477419
2000-02-06 0.595284
# Plot the two series
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 2))
ax.plot(daily_x, 'o', label='interpolated daily')
ax.plot(irr_series, 'o', label='irregular')
ax.plot(weekly, label='weekly')

Time delays#

  • Industrial processes often have a continuous or batchwise handling of raw materials into other materials or products.

    • When sensors record data along the production line, matching a piece of raw material to sensor readings can be done by adding a delay to the timestamp of the measurements early in the process or subtracting time from the later measurements.

  • For some processes, the delay is a known, fixed quantity.

    • For others the delay may be dependent on dynamic factors like raw material properties or process settings that add uncertainty to the time delay.

    • Synchronising such data, may require optimising correlations between sensors or using more advanced warping techniques.
