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Wrapper for the prc function to allow for formula input.


prc(formula, data, ...)



Model formula accepting a single response (block) and predictors. If no predictor is called 'time', time is assumed to be the second predictor.


The data set to analyse.


Additional arguments to prc.


An object of class prc.

See also

Main methods: asca, apca, limmpca, msca, pcanova, prc and permanova. Workhorse function underpinning most methods: hdanova. Extraction of results and plotting: asca_results, asca_plots, pcanova_results and pcanova_plots


(pr <- prc(compounds ~ light * time, caldana))
#> Call: prc(formula = compounds ~ light * time, data = caldana)
#> -- Model Summary --
#>                Inertia Proportion Rank
#> Total         11.47745    1.00000     
#> Conditional    1.11209    0.09689    6
#> Constrained    2.51542    0.21916   18
#> Unconstrained  7.84993    0.68394   67
#> Inertia is variance
#> -- Eigenvalues --
#> Eigenvalues for constrained axes:
#>   RDA1   RDA2   RDA3   RDA4   RDA5   RDA6   RDA7   RDA8   RDA9  RDA10  RDA11 
#> 0.9779 0.4049 0.3239 0.1755 0.1540 0.1247 0.0699 0.0607 0.0498 0.0336 0.0311 
#>  RDA12  RDA13  RDA14  RDA15  RDA16  RDA17  RDA18 
#> 0.0273 0.0245 0.0187 0.0168 0.0094 0.0066 0.0061 
#> Eigenvalues for unconstrained axes:
#>    PC1    PC2    PC3    PC4    PC5    PC6    PC7    PC8 
#> 1.8824 1.4836 0.7107 0.4964 0.3533 0.3435 0.3159 0.2450 
#> (Showing 8 of 67 unconstrained eigenvalues)
#> Call:
#> prc(formula = compounds ~ light * time, data = caldana) 
#> Species scores:
#>                    Alanine                     Valine 
#>                   0.900828                   0.175768 
#>                    Leucine                 Isoleucine 
#>                  -0.657559                  -0.264687 
#>                    Proline                     Serine 
#>                   1.141926                  -0.051640 
#>                  Threonine               beta-alanine 
#>                   0.075174                  -0.726471 
#>             Hydroxyproline                       GABA 
#>                  -0.007045                  -1.087892 
#>                  Aspartate                 Asparagine 
#>                  -0.696076                  -0.338664 
#>                 Methionine            O-acetyl-serine 
#>                   0.863337                   0.205739 
#>                  Glutamate              Phenylalanine 
#>                  -0.337782                   1.245032 
#>                  Ornithine                  Glutamine 
#>                   0.041141                   1.302687 
#>                     Lysine                   Tyrosine 
#>                  -1.175389                  -0.606966 
#>              Threonic-acid        Citrulline-Arginine 
#>                  -0.323093                   0.526770 
#>               Pyruvic-acid                Citric-acid 
#>                   0.473488                  -0.414141 
#>              Succinic-acid               Fumaric-acid 
#>                  -0.690860                   0.005060 
#>                 Malic-acid                Lactic-acid 
#>                   0.006521                  -0.497413 
#>              Glycolic-acid               Benzoic-acid 
#>                   1.624649                  -0.141741 
#>                Maleic-acid             Nicotinic-acid 
#>                   0.767982                  -0.060987 
#>              Itaconic-acid                Citramalate 
#>                  -0.169012                   0.050705 
#>     4-hydroxy-benzoic-acid Dehydroascorbic-acid-dimer 
#>                  -0.191369                   0.062572 
#>              Gluconic-acid       Dehydroascorbic-acid 
#>                  -0.159411                  -0.108530 
#>              Ascorbic-acid     4-Hydroxycinnamic-acid 
#>                  -0.232603                  -0.133527 
#>         Similar-to-Adenine                  Shikimate 
#>                   0.010357                   0.878436 
#>                 Erythritol                  Arabinose 
#>                  -0.068112                  -0.110114 
#>                   Arabitol                     Fucose 
#>                  -0.337455                  -0.051972 
#>                   Fructose                   Mannitol 
#>                   3.606930                   0.215745 
#>                  Galactose                    Glucose 
#>                   0.097331                   2.777645 
#>                    Sucrose                    Maltose 
#>                   0.615215                  -0.263945 
#>                  Trehalose                 Galactinol 
#>                  -0.195746                   0.211351 
#>               myo-inositol                     Uracil 
#>                  -0.070161                  -1.067653 
#>                 Putrescine               Ethanolamine 
#>                  -0.210320                  -0.546516 
#>                   Glycerol      Indole-3-acetonitrile 
#>                  -0.146868                   0.185760 
#>               Sinapic-acid              Palmitic-acid 
#>                   0.131682                  -0.267378 
#>          Octadecanoic-acid            Docosanoic-acid 
#>                  -0.361142                  -0.299480 
#>         Tetracosanoic-acid          Hexacosanoic-acid 
#>                   0.060571                   0.188997 
#>          Octacosanoic-acid 
#>                   0.167153 
#> Coefficients for treatment + time:treatment interaction
#> which are contrasts to treatment Dark 
#> rows are treatment, columns are time
#>                    0         5       10        20        40     80    160
#> Low Light  1.601e-15 -0.003685 -0.05458 -0.121789 -0.006526 0.1098 0.1833
#> Light      3.011e-15 -0.038250  0.10345 -0.084547  0.098440 0.2416 0.3368
#> High Light 1.620e-15 -0.010944 -0.01016  0.009301  0.312173 0.6746 0.7716